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Começaria neste momento, a procurarmos uma luz no fim daquele túnel escuro e sem fim. Começaríamos a descobrir os recursos digitais que se tornaram a salvação para grandes, médias  e pequenas Empresas de vários segmentos. E não seria diferente na cena alternativa e musical de São Paulo - SP. Seguindo algumas tendências internacionais, começamos então a utilizar algo novo, e no mínimo inusitado: A transmissão on line e ao vivo. Seja nas conversas ou em vídeo transmissões. Empresas especializadas surgiram rapidamente, tentando captar mais este filão de oportunidade única para

- Em 2019, quando comecei a conversar com amigos e integrantes de Bandas sobre o novo Projeto de um criar umnovo site fora do FB, podendo criar com mais liberdade, matérias autorais, tive a surpresa de ter o apoio de algumas Bandas. Então estarei listando abaixo as Bandas que toparam somar com a nossa ideia. Então, mais que necessário que agradeço a todos vocês por acreditarem que podemos ter mais uma opção para apoiar e somar com a cena Punk Rock de São Paulo. Tentaremos trazer novas opções em matérias exclusivas feitas di nossso jeito punk de ser e fazer. Somos apenas amigos com as mesmas ideias, curtimos estar nos shows e fazer os registros da cena Punk em SP

oferecer serviços de Streaming, com equipamentos dedicados pra realizar até Shows e eventos online, e usando o poder das redes sociais para divulgação, chegando a qualquer páis do mundo em minutos ou segundos.

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By Ricardo Cachorrao Flavio

40 years non-stop!

1979... Helinho meets Redson, who calls Pierre, who finds Kinno! An institution is born there! CHOLERA!


1980... Team change, classic formation... Redson, Val and Pierre!


1981... 1982... 1983... 1984... 1985... 1986... 1987...

Suburban Scream... The Beginning of the End of the World... Sub... Try to Change Tomorrow... Rage & Rats... Sound Attack... bullshit... movement.. ... lack of shows... rush... exile... K7 tapes... CIC... Rio de Janeiro... Flying Circus... For Peace in Everyone... Get Out... Yeah Christmas!!!?... European Tour'87...


1988... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2010 ...

20 minutes of Cholera... Val...  J&B Nikima... Independence or Death... Green, Don't Devaste... Mechanical World, Electronic World... Fábio... General Mental Chaos... Rude Plebs... Innocents... 20 Years... Leave the Earth in Peace... Europe... First Symptoms... WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! mentioned and being born... Combat Rock... Val... Cholera Project... more Europe... 30 years without stopping... 


September 27, 2011

22:30, the cell phone rings: “REDSON CALLING” on the display. “Hi Reds, what's up?”, “Big Dog, this is Zuleika! The news is not good, we just lost our brother! Red left us! I'm with Wendel in the hospital, please let everyone know, spread the word... do you have Pierre's phone number? I need to warn him and Val..." Minutes later on orkut, Val writes “THE BIGGEST OF ALL LOSSES”, on the band's official page.


2011... 2012... 2013... 2014... 2015... 2016...

Cholera family... Tribute... Hangar 110... Wendel Barros... Anselmo Pessoa... Cacá Saffioti... North to South tour... Fábio Belluci... Colombia... re-releases...  




2019... 40 years.




After the death of Redson, contrary to expectations, Pierre and Val decide that the band is still active and it doesn't take long to introduce Wendel Barros, a boy who was already part of the so-called "Cólera Family", former roadie of the band and longtime friend. , a singing student of Redson and singer of the band Sociedade Sem Hino, as the new vocalist, which also has Anselmo Pessoa, from the bands Kolapso 77 and Skamoondongos, on guitar.

After a few shows, Anselmo leaves the band for private reasons and another old friend is called in to take his place, Cacá Saffioti, a guitarist who also played for Kolapso 77 and Garotos Podres, among others.


After many shows all over the country, it's Cacá's turn to have his reasons for leaving, and, like the other times, no tests or looking for a new member, a person close to the band is invited to be part of the team. , and Fábio Belluci, a talented boy, multi-instrumentalist, bassist of Sociedade Sem Hino and who has the very interesting solo work “Satélites Fora do Ar”, assumes the guitar of Cólera.

Fábio's presence in the band brings new vigor, and after concerts from North to South of the country and even a small gig in Colombia, the now quartet thinks the time has come to show that Cólera is still alive and not just living on a past glorious. It is from there that WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!, the work that was being thought and created by Redson, Pierre and Val in 2006, returns to the surface. From rehearsal recordings, lyric sketches found in Redson's stuff and what Pierre's old little head remembers, 13 previously unreleased tracks were tweaked, finished, and put into practice!


Wendel was in charge of finishing composing most of the unfinished lyrics, Fábio, Val and Pierre, finished the arrangements and the work is finally ready, including 5 tracks that make up “ÓPERA DO CAOS”, a legitimate punk opera, conceived and created by Redson , which was a dream of his, which for many, many nights we discussed in a meeting with friends at his house, to the sound of New Model Army and Mestre Ambrósio.


The album brings the same urgency always present in the punk rock of Cólera, which, without any exaggeration, is one of the most important bands of the style in the world, in addition to incorporating new sounds, such as the presence of metal in the recordings and diverse influences of all members.


May the cry never be in vain! 1979 – 2022, CHOLERA, 43 years without ever stopping!

Madeira escura


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